New Ticketing System

Export AND Download your courses from Schoology

Save your existing course materials to your resources:

  1. Navigate to the course you wish to save.
  2. Click Options.
  3. Select Save to Resources.
  4. Do this for each and every course you wish to save.
    Depending on the size of the files, the save process may take some time to complete. You may track the status of the export from your Transfer History.

Since we will no longer be using Schoology again next school year so you need export and download the materials you saved to your Resources.

  1. Click on the Resources tab.
  2. Click the down-facing arrow in the menu right next to My Resources and then select Export.
  3. Select a Resource Collection or Folder (optional) you'd like to export. You'll most likely want to export everything so just select the Home collection with no subfolder. The name of the exported file will be the name of the collection and/or folder, excluding special characters. Spaces are replaced with hyphens. 
  4. Click Export.
    Depending on the size of the export, the export process may take some time to complete. You may track the status of the export from your Transfer History.
  5. Rather than waiting (it can take upwards of an hour to process), you'll get an email when the process is complete:
  6. Navigate to the Transfer History area in Schoology, and click on the gear to the right of the export once the process is complete.
  7. Click Download to download the file.

Once the imscc file is saved to your local computer, please save a copy of it in your Google Drive for future use (if you wish to import it into Canvas eventually).

You are now done.

Note: The Common Cartridge file version that is exported (v1.2) does not support the following content:
  • Rubrics
  • Media Albums
  • Matching questions with more than one blank
  • Fill-in-the-blank questions with more than one blank
  • Ordering questions

For technical specifications of this limitation, visit the IMS Global Common Cartridge website.

If you'd like to see a video of the process, follow these steps in this video link below:

How to Export and Download your courses from Schoology

Creation date: 8/4/2020 9:56 AM      Updated: 8/4/2020 2:16 PM
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