New Ticketing System

Text to Speech on Chromebooks

To select specific text on a page to be read to you, turn on Select-to-speak.

Step 1: Turn on Select-to-speak

  1. At the bottom right, select the time. Or press Alt + Shift + s.
  2. Select Settings .
  3. At the bottom, select Advanced.
  4. In the "Accessibility" section, select Manage accessibility features.
  5. Under "Text-to-Speech," turn on Enable select-to-speak.

Step 2: Select and hear text

Important: Depending on your keyboard, you can press the Search key  or the Launcher key  for some shortcuts. Both keys work the same.

  1. To select what text you’d like to hear:
    • Press and hold the Search key  and click a line of text.
    • Press and hold the Search key  and drag the pointer over an area of the screen.
    • ​Highlight the text and press the Search key  + s.
    • At the bottom right, near the time, select Select-to-speak . Then select a line of text or drag the pointer over an area of the screen.
    • On a touchscreen: At the bottom right, near the time, tap Select-to-speak . Then tap a line of text or drag your finger over an area of the screen.
  2. Your Chromebook will read the section aloud and each word will be highlighted.
  3. To stop Select-to-speak while it’s reading, press Ctrl or the Search key . You can also select Stop .

Creation date: 11/3/2020 7:51 AM      Updated: 11/3/2020 7:51 AM